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Horse Legs


Equilymph compression products


We are running an early access program to treat equines with our new products while we developing and scaling up our custom manufacturing operations. 

The support pages are available to clients wishing to join the early access program and to vets looking to train on our new certification courses.

To be kept up-to-date on product releases and news please join our early access mailing list here

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Universal wraps for a variety of treatments including recovery from tendon injuries, support for stable fill and laminitics and prophalactic use.

Suitble for horses with no feather. 

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For the treatment of CPL and stubborn secondary lymphoedema.

Prescribed for horses with light/moderate /heavy feather.

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Used for actively reducing excess fluid volumes in horses with CPL or secondary lymphoedema.

Prescribed for horses with light/moderate /heavy feather.


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